
Posts Tagged ‘mail boat’

The Duck Family, Fourth Lake

There is a natural rhythm and pattern to life in the Adirondacks. You notice it everywhere. The loons call out for their mates, the lone loon left behind calls out in desperation. The ducks appear every year with a new brood, visiting us on our beach. When our house was finished, the animals seemed curious and came to the house to visit us, check out the new place. We had not just ducks but a baby bear, too many deer, and birds of every sort. We even have an eagle, though we have never seen it. The eagle’s nest is high up in the tallest tree in the property. It looks like a giant football perched firmly on a strong branch. The mail boat stops and points it out to tourists, as the new duck family drifts past them.

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The Mail Boat

Penwood’s only remaining original mail bag, used for sending and receiving mail by Mail Boat. The Mail Boat was started at the request of President Harrison, who wanted to receive his mail at his Summer White House on First Lake, twice daily. The Mail Boat delivers mail on the Fulton Chain of lakes to this day, giving tours of the lakes in the “President Harrison” mail boat. The second Penwood mailbag was lost in Fourth Lake and never recovered.

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